Read Twice- R2
Read Twice has received funding under Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) of the European Union, under Grant Agreement 101081326.
About Read Twice (R2)
The European Commission recognises that disinformation poses major risks to European democracies and societies, and it needs to be addressed in order to preserve European values and freedoms. Fake news undermines the trust of citizens in democracy and democratic institutions and contributes to the polarisation of public views. Considering this, it is crucial to teach people how to assess content critically, especially online, and make them more aware of the phenomenon of disinformation, how it can interfere with democracy and human rights.
Project objective:
In this respect, the project READ TWICE will counter disinformation and limit the spread of fake news by enhancing citizens` skills to assess information critically, identify vicious and harmful media content and distinguish between facts and opinions, thus improving their media literacy competences.
The project consortium involves organisations coming from both countries with high and low media literacy capacity. To ensure exchange of knowledge and best practices, and transfer of know-how two international capacity building trainings are envisaged – in Portugal and in Germany. The events will aim at improving the capacity of 30 young media practitioners to identify disinformation and implement state-of-the-art practices for media literacy.
Furthermore, nine media literacy trainings for university students, 3 seminars for local stakeholders and multipliers in the field of media literacy will take place in Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia thus involving almost one thousand people.
In addition, an international webinar will increase the access and use of digital tools for countering disinformation and the social media campaign “Read twice, don’t repeat lies” will encourage citizens to stop, read again and check if the information is accurate and reliable before sharing it. At the end of the project, an international conference will take place in Brussels capitalising lessons learnt and promoting active participation in the EU policy-making process.
The project is coordinated by Euro Advance Association (Bulgaria), in partnership with Udruga za promicanje aktivnog gradanstva – ECHO (Croatia), Asociatia Se Poate (Romania), COFAC Cooperativa De Formacao E Animacao Cultural CRL (Portugal), Alliance 4 Europe GMBH (Germany).
1 October 2022 – 31 March 2024
More information:
Media literacy and disinformation response readiness in Croatia – Needs assessment and state-of-play analysis
The aim of the present document is to identify the skills and knowledge gaps and needs of the project target groups (young media practitioners, young people, local stakeholders and civil society organisations, social media users) regarding education and training concerning media literacy, fake news and disinformation in Croatia.
Even though the current document does not present a scientific or representative research, through social media polls, online questionnaires and in person interviews, it identifies the important challenges of online media users and highlights important recommendations in order to resolve the current issues and gaps.
This document presents an overview of medial literacy curriculum in Croatia within the formal education, as well as existing best practices regarding fact checking, which were launched after the start of the pandemic.
To acess the document please click on the following link:
Read Twice – Media Literacy Needs Assessment – CROATIA – v1
2. Event description sheet – local workshops for students in Croatia
Association ECHO in cooperation with the Croatian Pan-European Union, held three workshops for students on the topic of combating fake news and disinformation.
The trainings were organized on 18th April, 16th and 23rd May in Zagreb, Croatia.
As part of the implementation of the EU project Read Twice, ten young people from Croatia participated in capacity building workshops in Berlin and Porto. The project engaged 30 young experts from the fields of journalism, PR and political science, as well as people who write blogs from Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania.
Young media professionals who gained new skills and knowledge, conducted local workshops for more than 170 students from Croatia. They educated and informed them about tools and techniques to combat and recognise fake news and disinformation so participants learned about various aspects of these issues and tested classic and modern tools for countering the phenomenon of disinformation in the digital space. Besides presenting the before mentioned topics and tools, at the very beginning of each training, a short insight was given on following topics: Fake news and truth in the age of digital media; Fake news, propaganda and media literacy and How does fake news shape hate speech?
After each topic and tool presented, there was a Q&A session organized. According to the questions asked, discussions opened, high level of attendance as well as the positive feedback/evaluation of each training, we can say that the events had a great impact on the students and their knowledge on fake news and disinformation.
To acess the document please click on the following link: event-description-sheet__Local trainings in Croatia
More information about the conducted trainigs you can find in NEWS section.
3. Event description sheet – local seminar for stakeholders in Croatia
Association ECHO in cooperation with the Croatian Pan-European Union, held local seminar on the topic of combating fake news and disinformation.
The seminar was organized on 28th September 2023. in Zagreb, Croatia.
The local seminar for 52 stakeholders was organized in order to: improve the capacity and empower stakeholders, implement best practices and initiatives for countering disinformation at local level, including though media literacy promotion.
The event involved local actors as potential multipliers in the field of media literacy in the discourse and actions for countering disinformation at local and national level. The target group of the event included public and local authorities, civil society organisations, youth organisations, academia, education and training institutions, media sector, online platforms, influencers and journalists, libraries
To acess the document please click on the following link: event-description-sheet_Seminar in Croatia
More information about the conducted trainigs you can find in NEWS section.
Anouncement of the start of project implementation –
Capacity building in Berlin –
Capacity building in Porto –
Report on conducted three local workshops for students in Croatia –
Report on conducted local seminar for stakeholders in Croatia -
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