ENABLE project – Critical Thinking Workshops on Climateand Environmental Issues in Hungary
The Critical Thinking Workshops on Climateand Environmental Issues for the ENABLE project, CERV-2023-CITIZENS-CIV (Project Number: 101148180), took place in Budapest…
Više...Wushu Elixir 2.0 – Final conference
Završna konferencija „Mogućnosti integracije WUSHU tjelesnih aktivnosti u zdravstvenu skrb starijih osoba“u sklopu projekta Wushu Elixir 2.0 – Developing life…
Više...Wushu Elixir 2.0 – 4th TPM
Our 4th Wushu Elixir 2.0 project meeting was held in charming Dendermonde, Belgium and was hosted by Vlaams Wushu Instituut…
Više...YoungEU Project- Finale Dossier – Permanent Working Group
The permanent working groups were configured as permanent tables with the aim of working, throughout the life of the project,…
Više...Wushu Elixir 2.0 – 3rd TPM
Our 3rd project meeting was held in enchanting Malaga, Spain hosted by Asociacion Espanola de Qigong Deportivo (AEQD). During the…
Više...Udruga ECHO is now a #PactForSkills member
Udruga ECHO is now a #PactForSkills member This initiative by the European Commission brings together stakeholders for developing the ‘s…